วันอังคารที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner Profile

Full name : Taylor Daniel Lautner

Birthday :
February 11, 1992

Born in : Grand Rapids, Michigan, American

Stands :
5' 10,1/2" (1.79 m.)

Nationality : French, Dutch, German, and

NAtive American (Odawa and Potawatom)

Parents :
Dad's name is Dan.

name is DeborahRelatives

Younger sister named

live in :
Los angeles
High school : Valencia High School for the 2008-09 school year.
Subjects : P.E.

Activities :
Karate, Football, Baseball, Hip-Hop dance

Best friends :
Gishel Rafael and Alyson Stoner.

food : Steak and meat generalIce Cream flavor : Cake Batter

Taylor Daniel Lautner (born February 11, 1992) is an American actor and martial artist who is perhaps best known for his 2005 family film performances in The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D with Taylor Dooley and Cheaper by the Dozen 2 with Steve Martin and Alyson Stoner, or as Jacob Black in the 2008 film Twilight. He also appeared on the UPN/CW TV series Love Inc.Taylor was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the son of Deborah and Dan Lautner. He is of French, Dutch, German,and Native American (specifically Ottawa and Potawatomi) ancestry.Lautner began studying karate at the age of six, training at Fabiano's Karate School in Holland, Michigan. By the following year, he began winning tournaments. He was soon invited to train with seven-time world karate champion Mike Chat and, when he was eight, he was asked to represent his country in the twelve years and under division in the World Karate Association where he proved himself by becoming the Junior World Forms and Weapons champion, winning three gold medals.Lautner began his acting career after his martial arts instructor persuaded him to audition for a part in a Burger King advertisement in Los Angeles. Although he was unsuccessful, he enjoyed the experience so much that decided to pursue a career in acting. Soon, he and his family were traveling back-and-forth from their home in Michigan to California so that Taylor could audition for acting roles on a regular basis. When Lautner was ten, his family relocated to Los Angeles to allow him to pursue acting full-time.He continued to flourish in the martial arts circuit; in 2003, at only eleven years old, he was ranked number one in the world for NASKA's Black Belt Open Forms, Musical Weapons, Traditional Weapons and Traditional Forms and, by the age of twelve, he won Junior World Championships

****This is Taylor Lautner. He is my favorite celebrities. He was a teen star with a high value. Due to the movie twilight. I like him because he cute and handsome good show. At First I seen movie by Thai Sound but now I see movie by soundtraks because i want to listens his voice in Twilight movie.Now I know more english vocaburaly as words knew before and voting.Hold that he has made me change try new things.I'll Always be a fanclub of Taylor Lautner . *****

20 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Taylor Lautner Taylor Lautner Taylor Lautner Taylor Lautner Taylor Lautner Taylor Lautner

  2. He's my husband !
    Thanaporn Soonthanont Lautner.
    This my name 5555

  3. Kevin !!
    I see vampires ;))
    55 5 55555 55 55555

    ment t* ,ja

  4. Hi Nanny .
    Ypur blog is alot of information about Taylor Lautner^^
    bye bye

  5. He is my boyfriend.


    He is very handsome

    I love him very much.


  6. Taylor Lautner is my boyfriend .

    kidding too.
    your blog's beautiful na ^^

  7. Taylor Daniel Lautner
    55 555
    you like him ;)
    haha ha
    I like Robert ^^'

  8. Hi Nan
    good idea !
    Picture beautiful.
    i love Taylor Daniel Lautner
    very hansome

    miss you
    xoxo :}

  9. He is very handsome

    i love Taylor Daniel Lautner

    sixpack -0- 55555

  10. Taylor Daniel Lautner

    I like Mak Mak!

    He very handsome
